

Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Panda Cookies

I didn't writing for donkey's year.LoL.. That's way I am very happy that I continue writing about my daily baking diaries.. I wanna share with all of you about my passion in baking. Actually I have two blogs to write my baking daily, so sometimes I post it through wordpress.

Today I wanna share my cute Panda cookies which are very delicious and tasty. Once you try to pick one into your mouth, you wouldn't stop till the end.. hahaha

I have never seen any panda in real and now pandas are on the brink of extiction. So, I have an inspiration to make Panda Cookies. Those cookies are still crunchy if you leave them overnight in the open air. ^^

To make the Panda and Friends cookies I used two different dough which one I use black color and for the white one I just use the original dough. 

Do you know that Pandas have lived on earth for more than two millions year.. Wow.. 
Remember guys, don’t sleep late or you will have the Panda’s eyes the day after... Hahaha
Follow my instagram: fdimitrilie

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