

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

Egg Free Green Tea Cookies

I had been searching a lot of information to make any kind of cake and cookies without egg. It is also good for those who is vegetarian. I am also practising to be a vegan forth times a week. Some researches have shown eating a lot of meat especially red meat is not good for our body although those are a protein source. However, we still can enough protein from vegetables which is much better that meat. So, I made this cookies free from egg and butter so that everybody can consume this cookies freely. ^^

After preparing all the ingredients to make those cookies, I saw a bag green tea powder that I seldom to use. Then, I got an idea to mix the green tea powder to my cookies, why not!! Because I always use the finest ingredients, this cookies comes out really well. 

Those cookies are so crunchy and tasty. The cookies still crisp although I shaped them very thick. I also put some walnut on top to decorate the cookies. 

Those green tea cookies are less sweet but still yummy. I like to make something less sweet but still tastefull to satisfy our tongue^^.

Next, I am eager to try more cookies and cake without egg and butter, and gluten free as well.

Follow my instagram to find the newest update about my baking dairies @fdimitrilie.
Have a very nice day guys.. :D

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